Today, ladies and gentlemen, I did a polar bear plunge. Yes indeedy, I joined 70 or so other folks and jumped into a hole cut into six inches of ice on the mighty Tay River. The air temperature was a frigid -19 Celsius and the water temperature was, well, darned cold! This was all in the name of a good cause - a student archaeology program (see with which I am involved.
Completing a polar bear plunge wasn't on my bucket list (which reminds me, I should make a bucket list) as I discussed here, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For one thing, it wasn't as hard as childbirth. In fact, I'd say the anticipation of it was the worst part - particularly when you're standing on the ice looking at the hole and the crowd is counting 5...4...3...2...1...
Heading to the hole...
Cool that you have photos :) I can't believe that Cindy did it too! You are some wild girls!
Thanks for the great comment on my recent Babes' Blog post over at Momfo. I am so a candidate for the Polar bear plunge. I take pride in my affinity for cold water. I wonder if that would cure me.
Catching up on your posts! All great reads. Love your work. I am going to post your blog on mine sometime this week. The instructions for doing so seem pretty simple, I think.
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