Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sign of Things to Come?

So the other night, after being home from school for a week thanks to regularly scheduled off days and holidays, Boychild was grimly contemplating his return the next morning. He was less than enthusiastic.

I know school is school, but I do find it ironic that small people can mope around the house for a couple of days complaining of the sheer boredom of it all, and then when the chance go to school (and I mean Kindergarten - because when else will you EVER have more fun at school?) returns it's not greeted with joy. Yet, at the end of that first day back, there are stories of fun and games and friends and snacks and and and....

I don't get it. Well, I do, I guess, but it just doesn't seem right.

Anyway, I had to pull the "school is great fun" speech out of the archives that night. Then he says to me, "Mom, I've decided that when I'm done this school and the next school, you know, that I'm not going to work."

What? Wait a second. I thought we weren't supposed to have this conversation for another 14 years or so? What gives? And what's "the next school"? Does this mean high school only or is it a grand sweeping statement that includes secondary and post secondary?


Me: Well, Boychild, you have to work if you want to make money. You need to have a job so you can pay for things.

Him: I don't care.

Me: But you need to make money so you can have a place to live and buy food and clothes and cars and stuff.

This was greeted with skepticism. We had a long chat about how when you figure out something you like to do you can work hard in school to learn all about it and then do it for a job and get paid to do something that you think is fun! (Doesn't that sound GREAT!?)

Coincidentally (not), I used myself as an example instead of Groom-boy, who continuously complains about work. "See, Mommy writes stories and things and people like them and pay me to do it."

I don't think he was convinced.

It must be hard for six year olds to grasp the concept of working. I think what sparked this conversation was the fact Groom-boy had to miss part of the bedtime routine because he had to go back to work, which is something that happens frequently. Boychild hadn't seen much of Daddy that day and was a bit sad about it. Since I hardly ever leave the house to work I'm not sure if he really grasps the concept of what I do. (Heck, sometimes I don't, either.)

In any event, I reserved the "that's fine if you don't want to work, but don't expect to live under this roof" part of the speech. Maybe that's the part that comes in 14 years.

1 comment:

Heather said...

oh boy that is so cute!!! :)