Sunday, May 25, 2008

Canadian Idol - Here We Come?

I've long alluded to Girlchild's singing, um, prowess. Well here, ladies and gentlemen, is a sampling LIVE! from our house.

It's an exciting video that features a baby monitor. Indeed. And it's grainy. My favourite parts are:

a) when I blip to the left to focus on the "Little Princess" picture beside the monitor, which features the singer, only to discover it is blocked by a candle

b) when the camera shakes at the end and I snort because she is hopelessly, hopelessly stuck in an endless loop

The song is "Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies," which is an old folk song I learned a million years ago when I worked as a student at Murphys Point Provincial Park and it's one of a repertoire of songs I have sung to the babies. Here is a version of the lyrics that is fairly close to what I know. Girlchild keeps messing up the last line of the verse she is singing, which is preventing her from moving on to her big finish. This is unfortunate because then you would be treated to her quavery voice thing and she holds the last note. Sometimes she follows up with "Thank you. Thank you. Good night. Thank you" because apparently there is an audience just outside the crib, you know.

Oh, yeah.

By the way, she was singing this song for a good five minutes before I took the video and continued for a good ten minutes after. Same loop. Then she sang a bunch of other songs. She was supposed to be sleeping, of course.


Gen said...

i think she has talent...maybe one day she can join Eric's band...they're always looking for singers!

I don't know that song though. My repetoire is much more of the standard Twinkle, Twinkle variety.

Ashley said...

I love it! She definitely has that "it" factor.

Andrea Frazer said...

Hilarious! Love it! She has it going on...